

Well Expressed Words offers a wide range of styles for a variety of target audiences, based on a thorough understanding of the impact you are aiming for. Services include:

  • Original content
  • News stories
  • Press releases
  • Social media posts
  • Annual Reports
  • Promotional materials
  • Donor reports


Well Expressed Words makes the changes needed to ensure clarity, readability and accuracy and to communicate your message strongly. Editing services include:

  • Proof-reading
  • Correction
  • Fact-checking
  • Restructuring
  • Re-writing


There are many variables in translation and Well Expressed Words will always take your preferences into account and discuss possible choices. Translation skills include:

  • Dutch to English translation
  • Finessing style to ensure tone and voice remain true to the original text
  • Awareness of context, nuance & dialect
  • Sensitivity & flexibility to maintain the essence of the original text in translation

"True ease in writing comes from art, not chance,
as those move easiest who have learn'd to dance."